Is Sarah Palin Flirting with America?

The GOP veep pick winked at the camera at least  five times during Thursday’s debate with Joe Biden, raising more than a few eyebrows among campaign and body language gurus.

The wink can be many things to many people, she explained, depending on the winker.

From women, it can be a flirty, even steamy invitation when delivered in certain contexts.

From men, it can by anything from downright lecherous to quaint and endearing, a kind of ocular smile.

But the Palin wink, as deployed by the 44-year-old Alaska governor, is another popular variant – the knowing, we’re-sharing-a-little-secret wink.

One example came after Biden hit GOP nominee John McCain for saying  the fundamentals of the economy were “strong,” even as Wall Street teetered on the brink of collapse.

Palin fired back that McCain was talking about American workers and their strong work ethic, then added, “That’s a positive. That’s encouragement (wink!). And that’s what John McCain meant.” – more

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